What I Do

Welcome to Backed By Data! I'm Ollie and I am passionate about utilising data and technology to power your business. Here are some of the services I provide to maximise your business potential:

  • Dashboards - I enable you to interact with your data on the fly!
  • Analysis - I show what your business data can tell you. Learn about your customers, the performance of your products or how profitable your services are.
  • Machine Learning - I build predictive models to drive growth for you business.
  • Exploration - I find value in what you have. Don't let an opportunity go to waste!
  • Visualisations - I design effective visualisations that will reinforce your understanding.
  • Dashboards

  • Machine Learning

  • Analysis

  • Exploration

Unlocking the power of data is crucial for your business. However, not every business has a dedicated data team. That is where Backed By Data comes in, bridging the gap to ensure you don't miss out on valuable insights. It’s not just big businesses that can harness the power of data.

The craze of AI and machine learning can be overwhelming, complex, and, to be completely honest - a bit unnecessary. I can help you and your business access the power of data without all of the unnecessary complexity. Whether you need compelling visualisations or the extraction of valuable information from extensive databases, I've got you covered. Elevate your business with data-driven decisions – let Backed By Data be your go-to partner for success!